本文共 3661 字,大约阅读时间需要 12 分钟。
yum -y install package
yum -y reinstall package
yum localinstall 可以代替 rpm -ivh 并且会自己安装依赖包
# yum localinstall asymptote-2.08-1.fc12.i686.rpm
yum list
yum list installedyum list installed | wc -lyum list installed ntpyum list installed mysql\*
yum list updatesyum list extras
yum search mysql
check update
[root@development ~]# yum check-update[root@development ~]# yum -y update
# yum upgrade
#yum remove httpd
# yum list installed
[root@localhost ~]# yum grouplistLoaded plugins: fastestmirrorSetting up Group ProcessLoading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * addons: mirrors.163.com * base: mirrors.163.com * extras: mirrors.163.com * updates: mirrors.163.comInstalled Groups: Administration Tools Development Libraries Dialup Networking Support Editors Mail Server Network Servers Office/Productivity Server Configuration Tools System Tools Text-based Internet Web Server Yum UtilitiesAvailable Groups: Authoring and Publishing Base Beagle Cluster Storage Clustering DNS Name Server Development Tools Emacs Engineering and Scientific FTP Server FreeNX and NX GNOME Desktop Environment GNOME Software Development Games and Entertainment Graphical Internet Graphics Horde Java Java Development KDE (K Desktop Environment) KDE Software Development KVM Legacy Network Server Legacy Software Development Legacy Software Support Mono MySQL Database News Server OpenFabrics Enterprise Distribution PostgreSQL Database Printing Support Ruby Sound and Video Tomboy Virtualization Windows File Server X Software Development X Window System XFCE-4.4Done
# yum groupinfo "Server Configuration Tools"Loaded plugins: fastestmirrorSetting up Group ProcessLoading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * addons: centos.ustc.edu.cn * base: centos.ustc.edu.cn * extras: centos.ustc.edu.cn * updates: centos.ustc.edu.cnGroup: Server Configuration Tools Description: This group contains all of CentOS's custom server configuration tools. Default Packages: system-config-httpd system-config-nfs system-config-printer-gui system-config-samba system-config-securitylevel system-config-services Optional Packages: system-config-bind system-config-boot system-switch-mail-gnome
#yum groupinstall 'X Window System' -y安装GNOME桌面环境#yum groupinstall 'GNOME Desktop Environment' -y安装KDE桌面环境#yum groupinstall 'KDE (K Desktop Environment)' -y
卸载GNOME桌面环境#yum groupremove "GNOME Desktop Environment"卸载KDE桌面环境#yum groupremove "KDE (K Desktop Environment)"
yum groupremove "GNOME Desktop Environment" "Games and Entertainment" "Graphical Internet" "Graphics" "Office/Productivity" "Printing Support" "Sound and Video" "Web Server" "X Window System"
# yum deplist libcurl
# yum provides "*/pg_config"
# yum provides "*/libpq-fe.h"
# yum whatprovides mysql_config
# yum repolist all
# yum repolist enabled
# yum repolist disabled
# yum-config-manager --disable mysql-connectors-community
sudo yum-config-manager --enable mysql57-community-dmr
或者修改/etc/yum.repos.d/文件也能实现相同的作用 enabled=0 为禁用 enabled=1启用
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